Figure 2 | Improved laser performances by GeSnOI platform (IMAGE)
Laser performances with GeSnOI disk resonators as compared with those of conventional as-grown GeSn disks. (a) Light in-Light out curves. (b) Laser thresholds as a function of the disk diameter. (c) Maximum lasing temperature as a function of the disk diameter. Smaller disk diamter were not reachable with the as-grown GeSn layers because of their undercut.
by Binbin Wang, Emilie Sakat, Etienne Herth, Maksym Gromovyi, Andjelika Bjelajac, Julien Chaste, Gilles Patriarche, Philippe Boucaud, Frédéric Boeuf, Nicolas Pauc, Vincent Calvo, Jérémie Chrétien, Marvin Frauenrath, Alexei Chelnokov, Vincent Reboud, Jean-Michel Hartmann and Moustafa El Kurdi
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