Measured momenta of the H+ ions after ionization by a phase-locked XUV attosecond pulse pair (IMAGE)
Figure 2: Measured momenta of the H+ ions after ionization by a phase-locked XUV attosecond pulse pair as function of delay to the probing NIR laser pulse (a) for an XUV-XUV delay of 29 fs corresponding to coherent excitation of vibrational wavepackets. (b) for an XUV-XUV delay of 45 fs, where the system is entangled. Via a Fourier transform of the delay scan data individual vibrational quantum beats can be identified (c)+(d). Crucially, the intensity of the peaks corresponding to nearest neighbor coherences (∆E8,9 and ∆E(7,8)) are very pronounced in the measurement with an XUV-XUV delay of 29 fs, and very weak for an XUV-XUV delay of 45 fs.
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