Shapeable carbon fiber networks with hierarchical porous structure for high-performance Zn–I2 batteries (IMAGE)
Figure 2 Electrochemical performances of ZIBs. (a) CV profiles and (b) rate capabilities of NPCNFs-700, NPCNFs-800 and NPCNFs-900. (c) Charge/discharge profiles of I2@NPCNFs-800 at various current densities. (d) Prolonged cyclic performance of I2@NPCNFs-800 electrodes at 2 C. (e) EIS results of NPCNFs-700, NPCNFs-800 and NPCNFs-900. (f) Self-discharge test of I2@NPCNFs-800. (g) Galvanostatic discharge and charge capacity profiles and the corresponding Coulombic efficiency of ZIBs with I2@NPCNFs-800.
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