遙控機械手抓住氣球 (VIDEO)
實驗參與者佩戴 Robotic VR 系統後,通過觸覺反饋遙控一隻機械手及控制其力度,從而成功抓住氣球。
Y. Liu, et al. / DOI number: 10.1126/sciadv.abl6700
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Video must be used with appropriate caption and credit.
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City University of Hong Kong
實驗參與者佩戴 Robotic VR 系統後,通過觸覺反饋遙控一隻機械手及控制其力度,從而成功抓住氣球。
Y. Liu, et al. / DOI number: 10.1126/sciadv.abl6700
Video must be used with appropriate caption and credit.
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