PN IPHASX J055226.2+323724 (IMAGE)
Fig. 2a left panel: An enhanced 6.5 x.5 arcminute colour-composite RGB image of PN IPHASX J055226.2+323724 from the IPHAS survey (Drew et al. 2005) that we confirm as a physical member of the Galactic open cluster M37. Red = Hα, Green = broad band red and Blue = broad band ‘i’. The CSPN is circled in blue; Fig. 2b right panel: 190 x145 arcsecond RGB image created from SDSS with red = i, green = r and blue = g-band. These data clearly shows the faint CSPN (arrowed) at the centre. North is top and East is to the left in both images.
The University of Hong Kong
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