圖1:具有長時間靜電吸附效能的自充電空氣過濾口罩 (IMAGE) City University of Hong Kong Caption 圖1:具有長時間靜電吸附效能的自充電空氣過濾口罩。(a)自充電空氣過濾口罩示意圖。(b)自充電空氣過濾口罩使用PVDF/尼龍(左)與外科口罩中的PP/PP(或PP/PE)(右)比較,自充電空氣過濾口罩有更大能力捕獲空氣中的粒子。放大的插圖顯示自充電空氣過濾口罩以靜電有效吸附細小粒子。 Credit 香港城市大學楊征保博士研究團隊 Usage Restrictions Image must be used with appropriate caption and credit. License Licensed content Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert system.