Figure 2: Disorganized plakophilin-2 (PKP2) in severely fibrotic regions of the heart of ACM patients. Top panels show fibrotic tissue (blue), fat tissue (white) and heart muscle cells (red) of control and ACM patient hearts. Bottom panels show the protein localization of plakophilin-2 in the hearts of a healthy individual and an ACM patient. (IMAGE)
Figure 2: Disorganized plakophilin-2 (PKP2) in severely fibrotic regions of the heart of ACM patients. Top panels show fibrotic tissue (blue), fat tissue (white) and heart muscle cells (red) of control and ACM patient hearts. Bottom panels show the protein localization of plakophilin-2 in the hearts of a healthy individual and an ACM patient.
Petra van der Kraak. Copyright: UMC Utrecht.
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