Figure 4 (IMAGE)
An overview of the processes leading to the formation and evolution of amino acids within the planetesimal precursor of Ryugu (from Potiszil et al., 2023). 1a: formation of amino acids in the interstellar medium (ISM), 1b: formation of amino acids in the protosolar nebula (PSN), 2: accretion of ices and simple organic matter (including amino acids) into the Ryugu progenitor planetesimal, 3: accretion of higher amounts of ice and their organic cargo in A0022, 4: accretion of lower amounts of ice and their organic cargo in C0008, 5: formation of higher levels of N,N-dimethylglycine (DMG) in A0022 at the expense of glycine and 6: lower levels of DMG are formed due to a lower level of accreted ice components meaning less glycine was able to react with other ISM/PSN ice components during lower levels of aqueous alteration, compared to A0022. T = temperature, OM = organic matter, SOM = soluble organic matter, GEMS = glass with embedded metal and sulfides and DMG = N,N-dimethylglycine.
Christian Potiszil, Okayama University
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