Fig. 3. Measurement results of rotating speed using BGb generated on-chip. (IMAGE)
a - h The observed power spectrum at the indicated rotational speed over a data collection period of 20 s. i Detailed power spectrum with 0 - 1000 Hz at 100 r/s. j The measured results at different rotating speeds (75 r/s - 100 r/s). k The velocity resolution measurement, there are ten rotational speeds at a step of 0.033 r/s from 99.7 r/s to 100 r/s. For j and k, the red points are the measured data, and the solid blue lines are the theoretical value.
by Zihao Zhi, Quanxin Na, Qijie Xie, Baisong Chen, Yingzhi Li, Xiaobin Liu, Xuetong Li, Lijun Wang, Guo-qiang Lo and Junfeng Song
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