Figure 3 | Exemplary multiletter encoding based on quaternary format. (IMAGE)
a, Successive recording of the encoded streams. The pump power is modulated by an electronic signal as embedded in the inset. Each frame is composed of four time slots and represents a single letter. b, Encoded streams are decoded as {1212|1221|1202|1211|1302}, representing a word {f|i|b|e|r}. An exemplary ‘r’ is portrayed in a 3D interaction space in (c). The trajectory in each time slot agrees well with the corresponding phase-defined regimes.
by Yusong Liu, Siyun Huang, Zilong Li, Haoguang Liu, Yixiang Sun, Ran Xia, Lisong Yan, Yiyang Luo, Huanhuan Liu, Gang Xu, Qizhen Sun, Xiahui Tang, Perry Ping Shum
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