Fig. 1 (IMAGE)
piRNA biogenesis pathway in the Drosophila germline. The Drosophila ovary has 16–20 ovarioles containing 14 different developmental stages of egg chambers. The piRNA precursors transcribed in the nucleus are transported to the nuage, which is located on the cytoplasmic side of the nuclear membrane. At the nuage, Tej, Vas, Spn-E, Krinmp, and other proteins accumulate, and Aub and Ago3 cleave piRNA precursors and complementary-sequenced transposons. In the nuage, Tudor domain proteins cooperate with PIWI family proteins, and piRNAs are generated via the ping-pong amplification pathway, which is conjugated with the degradation of transposon transcripts.
2023, Toshie Kai, Tejas functions as a core component in nuage and precursor processing in Drosophila piRNA biogenesis, Journal of Cell Biology
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