RhizoNet harnesses the power of AI to transform how we study plant roots...DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Working model of PgbHLH28 in the regulation of saponin biosynthesis in P. grandiflorus....Nanjing Agricultural University The Academy of Science
Genome of B. oleracea var. italica Plenck (Bop04-28-6, broccoli)....Nanjing Agricultural University The Academy of Science
Rendering of some of the team’s soluble protein analogues © LPDI EPFL...Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
The underlying mechanism of the interaction between CmoDREB2A and CmoNAC1 in regulating salt tolerance of grafted cucumb...Nanjing Agricultural University The Academy of Science
Alex Zhavoronkov, PhD, founder and CEO of Insilico was invited to speak at the session “Can Appetite Control Lead to Hea...InSilico Medicine
Binding to the receptor (green) causes the G protein (yellow) to change its shape and release the regulatory molecule GD...Universität Leipzig
Reliable wafer-scale integration of two-dimensional materials and metal electrodes with van der Waals contacts...University of Science and Technology of China