image: Carol L. Silva, the Edith Kinney Gaylord Presidential Professor of Political Science in the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences and Senior Associate Vice President for Research and Partnerships at the University of Oklahoma, has been elected a 2023 fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration.
Credit: Image provided by the University of Oklahoma.
Carol L. Silva, the Edith Kinney Gaylord Presidential Professor of Political Science in the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences and Senior Associate Vice President for Research and Partnerships at the University of Oklahoma, has been elected a 2023 fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration.
“Carol is an experienced, dynamic leader with an extensive record of excellence in research and building successful multidisciplinary programs and convergent teams focused on grand challenge problems at the intersection of public policy and technology. We congratulate her on this election to the NAPA and look forward to the impact she will make among these national thought leaders,” said Tomás Díaz de la Rubia, Vice President for Research and Partnerships.
Established in 1967, the National Academy of Public Administration is a Congressionally chartered non-partisan 501(c)3 nonprofit that responds to requests for assistance from Congress, federal agencies, and state, local, and international government entities and provides expertise in public administration through the work of its elected fellows and research staff.
Silva is one of 60 leaders in the field of public administration selected for the 2023 Class of Academy Fellows, who will be inducted into the academy in Nov. 2023 in Washington D.C.
Silva is the prior co-director of OU’s Institute for Public Policy Research Analysis, formerly known as the National Institute for Risk and Resilience. She directed the Center for Risk and Crisis Management and previously served as the Director of the Center for Faculty Excellence in 2019.
Of her many service roles and responsibilities, Silva recently served as one of 19 national experts to serve on the Committee on the Future of National Science Foundation, Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NSF EPSCoR) in 2021 to help guide, engage and identify opportunities to increase the success of NSF EPSCoR projects and contributed to the formation of the unique Oklahoma Opinion Leader Advisory Network (OLAN) that includes a diverse mix of statewide leaders from the private, public and nonprofit sectors to gain stakeholder feedback for complex public policy challenges.
Alisa Hicklin Fryar, Chair of the Department of Political Science, with the support of the OU Honorifics Committee, coordinated Silva’s nomination to the NAPA. According to NAPA, “selection of the Academy’s new Fellows follows a rigorous review of the individual’s contributions to the field of public administration and policy. A Fellows Nominating Committee, selected by the Academy’s Board Chair, makes its recommendations to the full Fellowship, which then votes on those individuals nominated to be a Fellow.”
“We are so excited about Professor Silva’s admission into the NAPA fellows organization,” Hicklin Fryar said. “In addition to her internationally recognized scholarship and her demonstrated leadership in research administration, she is also an amazing colleague and valued mentor to many here at the University of Oklahoma.”
Learn more about the National Academy of Public Administration 2023 Class of Academy Fellows at