News Release

A Southeast Asian sea cucumber species features bioactive compounds, including terpenoid glycosides and saponins which have reported anti-cancer benefits

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Comprehensive metabolomics of Philippine Stichopus cf. horrens reveals diverse classes of valuable small molecules for biomedical applications


Collecting S. horrens from plastic pens inside the Bolinao Marine lab. The sea cucumber Stichopus horrens contains a lot of bioactive compounds and employs various anti-predatory mechanisms.

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Credit: Hiyas A. Junio, 2022, CC-BY 4.0 (

A Southeast Asian sea cucumber species features bioactive compounds, including terpenoid glycosides and saponins which have reported anti-cancer benefits


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Article Title: Comprehensive metabolomics of Philippine Stichopus cf. horrens reveals diverse classes of valuable small molecules for biomedical applications

Author Countries: Philippines

Funding: ETY received funding for the study from the Department of Science and Technology–Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development. The funders had no role in study design, data collection, analysis, the decision to publish, or the preparation of the manuscript.

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