image: David J. Stensrud has been named 2024 President-Elect of the American Meteorological Society
Credit: David Kubarek
[Boston, MA—December 13, 2023] Members of the American Meteorological Society (AMS)—composed of weather, water, and climate professionals—have voted to elect David J. Stensrud to the position of President-Elect for 2024. He will be inducted to the post Sunday, 28 January, 2024, during the 104th AMS Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland.
The AMS will also induct five new Councilors at the 2024 Annual Meeting. Cynthia Atherton, Gina Eosco, Andrew Humphrey, Ying-Hwa (Bill) Kuo, and Clifford Mass have been selected to serve three-year terms on the AMS Council, the Society’s principal governing body.
"I am so proud of our community for the amazing progress we have made in understanding and predicting the Earth system, positively impacting the lives of people across the world,” Stensrud says. “And society’s need for weather, water, and climate information will only continue to grow as we prepare for and respond to hazardous events and anthropogenic climate change. AMS plays a key role in these efforts. I hope to strengthen AMS's continuing work to build a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable culture that supports its members as we interact with the wider world. We are stronger and more resilient in community, and AMS is so important to our future.”
Stensrud will serve a one-year term as President-Elect, then serve as President of the AMS beginning at the 2025 Annual Meeting.
Learn about current AMS Leadership and recently elected leaders.
About David J. Stensrud
David J. Stensrud currently serves as Professor of Meteorology in the Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science at The Pennsylvania State University. He started his career at the NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory as research meteorologist, later becoming a team leader, chief of the Forecast Research and Development Division, and inaugural manager of the NOAA Warn-on-Forecast program. Stensrud served as Head of the Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science at Penn State from 2014 to 2023. He received his BA in Mathematics and Meteorology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and his MS and PhD in Meteorology from The Pennsylvania State University.
Stensrud has served in many AMS leadership roles. He was a member and chair of the Committee on Mesoscale Processes, program co-chair for several conferences/symposia, Editor and Co-Chief Editor of the journal Weather and Forecasting, Commissioner of the Scientific and Technological Activities Commission (STAC), and member of the Finance Committee. He has received professional honors including the White House Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the NOAA Distinguished Career Award, and the AMS Clarence Leroy Meisinger and Charles Franklin Brooks awards. He is a Fellow of the AMS. Read full bio.
About New AMS Councilors
The AMS Council is the Society’s principle governing body, and consists of the current AMS President and AMS President-Elect, along with the last two past presidents, the AMS Executive Director and AMS Secretary-Treasurer (both of whom are non-voting members), and 15 other voting members of the Society, each elected for a three-year term, with one-third retiring each year. Each year, four Councilors are elected to represent the academic sector, the private sector, and the government sector, with a fifth Councilor appointed by AMS Council. The new Councilors for 2024 are:
- CYNTHIA ATHERTON (Private Sector)
Cynthia Atherton was most recently the director of the Science program at the Heising-Simons Foundation. - GINA EOSCO (Government Sector)
Dr. Gina Eosco is Division Chief for Science, Technology, and Society at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Weather Program Office. - ANDREW HUMPHREY (Private Sector)
Andrew Humphrey serves as chief meteorologist at WHBQ FOX13 Memphis. - YING-HWA (BILL) KUO (Academic Sector)
Ying-Hwa (Bill) Kuo is the Director of UCAR Community Programs at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. - CLIFFORD MASS (Academic Sector)
Cliff Mass is a Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington.
All bios and candidate statements for recently elected AMS leaders can be found on the AMS Election Information page.
About the American Meteorological Society
The American Meteorological Society advances the atmospheric and related sciences, technologies, applications, and services for the benefit of society. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 12,000 professionals, students, and weather enthusiasts. AMS publishes 12 atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic science journals—in print and online; sponsors more than 12 conferences annually; and offers numerous programs and services. Visit us at