News Release

OU enters data science collaboration agreement with South Korean university

Business Announcement

University of Oklahoma



OU and KAIST Representatives sign MOU

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Credit: David Ebert

The University of Oklahoma, through its Data Institute for Societal Challenges has signed a memorandum of understanding with the College of Liberal Arts and Convergence Sciences at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology to facilitate long-term data science collaboration.

This agreement will allow OU and KAIST faculty and students to solve societal challenges in data science, data-enabled science, public policy and strategic communication to counter misinformation and disinformation. Furthermore, the two organizations will develop courses on data-enabled future strategies in graduate courses and data science-informed policy interventions for Asia-specific and global problems.

“This new partnership with KAIST enhances DISC’s mission of driving convergent solutions to grand societal challenges,” said David Ebert, director of the Data Institute for Societal Challenges. “We look forward to elevating our commitment to this collaboration and strengthening this trans-Pacific partnership with like-minded, data-driven researchers.”

This partnership builds on the already-established relationship between DISC and KAIST. In 2023, OU signed a previous MOU with KAIST’s Moon Soul Graduate School of Future Strategies, a program in the College of Liberal Arts and Convergence Sciences.

Learn more about KAIST’s College of Liberal Arts and Convergence Sciences and about the prior MOU between DISC and KAIST.

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