image: The School is aimed at a broad audience that includes students with a keen interest in complexity or bio-inspired applications, information science and quantum materials. Registrations are due on February 15, 2025.
The South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR) is organizing the São Paulo Advanced School on Disordered Systems, which will take place between April 28 and May 9, 2025, in São Paulo city, Brazil, at the São Paulo State University’s Institute of Theoretical Physics (IFT-UNESP).
One of the goals of the school is to reach a broad audience that includes students with a diverse background who are eager to receive systematic training on powerful theoretical methods and who also display a keen interest in complexity or bio-inspired applications, information science and quantum materials. By means of minicourses, lectures and poster presentations, the school will establish a common forum where theories of general interest can be learned and discussed, catalyze the nucleation of new research lines, and expose students to a full breadth of intellectual opportunity in the field of disordered systems.
The discussions at the School will benefit greatly from the participation of internationally renowned researchers as speakers, such as Jasna Brujic, from New York University (USA), who will be lecturing about “bio-inspired applications”; Letícia Cugliandolo from Sorbonne Université (France), who will be developing on the topic “complexity / mean-field theory”; Ezequiel Ferrero from Centro Atómico Bariloche (Argentina), who will give lectures about "driven disordered systems"; Anton Souslov from the University of Cambridge (UK), who will be speaking about “disordered elastic materials”; and Matthieu Wyart from Johns Hopkins University (USA) and EPFL (Switzerland), who will give classes about machine learning.
Reporters are invited to register for the scientific sessions and short courses, which will present state-of-the-art science and the results of new research.
The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) is supporting the event through its São Paulo School of Advanced Science Program (SPSAS). Students living outside São Paulo state can apply to receive financial support to cover the cost of air travel, accommodation, and meals.
Applications must be submitted by February 15, 2025 via the online form available at The School is expecting to select 80 students, with half from Brazilian universities and half from abroad. The targeted audience is Master’s and PhD students with ongoing studies in the areas covered by the School.
The South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR) is an international center created in the city of São Paulo (Brazil) through a collaboration between the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste (Italy), the Institute of Theoretical Physics (IFT) of São Paulo State University (UNESP), and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Its activities include research in Theoretical Physics and its applications, as well as training for postgraduate students. ICTP-SAIFR also promotes outreach actions with high school teachers and students and the general public. More information is available at
The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) is a public institution with the mission of supporting scientific research in all fields of knowledge by awarding scholarships, fellowships and grants to investigators linked with higher education and research institutions in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. FAPESP is aware that the very best research can only be done by working with the best researchers internationally. Therefore, it has established partnerships with funding agencies, higher education, private companies, and research organizations in other countries known for the quality of their research and has been encouraging scientists funded by its grants to further develop their international collaboration.