image: The reciprocal lattice vectors of a crystal caused by the three types of dislocations and the plastic strain fields obtained through their Helmholtz decomposition. In all cases, the plastic strain fields are observed to exhibit right-handed screw rotation along the dislocation line (the z-axis in the diagram). Furthermore, this characteristic aligns perfectly with the static magnetic fields generated around steady electric currents.
Credit: Ryuichi Tarumi, Osaka University
Osaka, Japan – A fundamental goal of physics is to explain the broadest range of phenomena with the fewest underlying principles. Remarkably, seemingly disparate problems often exhibit identical mathematical descriptions. For instance, the rate of heat flow can be modeled using an equation very similar to that governing the speed of particle diffusion. Another example involves wave equations, which apply to the behavior of both water and sound. Scientists continuously seek such connections, which are rooted in the principle of the "universality" of underlying physical mechanisms.
In a study published in the journal Royal Society Open Science, researchers from Osaka University uncovered an unexpected connection between the equations for defects in a crystalline lattice and a well-known formula from electromagnetism. They demonstrated that the fields representing the strain generated around lattice dislocations in crystalline materials, modeled by Cartan's First Structure Equation, obey the same equations as the more familiar Biot-Savart law. The former can be quite complex and challenging to visualize, while the latter describes how electric currents generate magnetic fields, and is essential for understanding numerous modern devices, including electric motors.
"Searching for Universality relationships can be valuable in emerging scientific fields, especially when the governing equations are newly established, and the nature of their solutions remains elusive," explains lead author of the study Shunsuke Kobayashi. The Biot-Savart law states that an electrical current flowing through a wire will generate a magnetic field around itself represented by vectors that twist around like a vortex. Similarly, the effect of certain types of atomic dislocation in a crystalline lattice will induce a strain vector field on the surrounding atoms.
Using the analogous Biot-Savart law from electromagnetism, it will be possible to analytically determine the effect of dislocations, instead of the more arcane Cartan Structure Equations. “This discovery is expected to serve as a fundamental theory for describing the plastic deformation of crystalline materials, opening the way for a wide range of applications in material science,” senior author Ryuichi Tarumi says. The researchers also believe that finding these kinds of connections across areas of study can spur new discoveries.
The article, “Biot-Savart law in geometrical theory of dislocations,” was published in Royal Society Open Science at DOI:
About Osaka University
Osaka University was founded in 1931 as one of the seven imperial universities of Japan and is now one of Japan's leading comprehensive universities with a broad disciplinary spectrum. This strength is coupled with a singular drive for innovation that extends throughout the scientific process, from fundamental research to the creation of applied technology with positive economic impacts. Its commitment to innovation has been recognized in Japan and around the world. Now, Osaka University is leveraging its role as a Designated National University Corporation selected by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to contribute to innovation for human welfare, sustainable development of society, and social transformation.
Royal Society Open Science
Method of Research
Computational simulation/modeling
Subject of Research
Not applicable
Article Title
Biot-Savart law in geometrical theory of dislocations
Article Publication Date