News Release

Economic impacts of glyphosate regulation

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

A study simulates the trade-offs between restrictions on the use of the herbicide glyphosate, classified as a probable carcinogen, in agricultural production and the economic impacts of farmers' use of alternative herbicides; the simulation showed that a 10% carbon tax would result in a human health and environmental benefit of around $6 million per year and incur a $98 million per year net economic loss, suggesting the need for caution in regulating glyphosate, according to the authors.


Article #20-17470: "Environmental and economic concerns surrounding restrictions on glyphosate use in corn," by Ziwei Ye, Felicia Wu, and David A. Hennessy.

MEDIA CONTACT: David A. Hennessy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; email: <>

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