image: Dr. Benjamin List, Specially Appointed Professor, ICReDD, Hokkaido University view more
Credit: Hokkaido University
Hokkaido University is pleased to announce that Dr. Benjamin List, a Professor of the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung and a Specially Appointed Professor of Hokkaido University, has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Dr. List has been working on the development of new chemical reactions using organocatalysts as a Principal Investigator at the Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery (WPI-ICReDD) at Hokkaido University since 2018, and he has also been a Specially Appointed Professor since May 2020.
The following are congratulatory messages from Hokkaido University members
It is a great honor to have a Nobel laureate as a specially appointed professor at the Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery (WPI-ICReDD) at Hokkaido University, where research is taking place in a global network.
Hokkaido University was selected for the World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan in 2018, and established WPI-ICReDD in October of the same year.
ICReDD attracts many leading researchers from all over the world and conducts top-level research in its excellent environment.
We will continue to utilize this research network to contribute to the resolution of global issues.
Kiyohiro Houkin
President, Hokkaido University
I am very excited to hear that Dr. Benjamin List has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Dr. List shares with us ICReDD's philosophy to innovate organic synthesis by using computational science and information science, and he has joined us as a Principal Investigator since the establishment of ICReDD in 2018. As a colleague and the Director of ICReDD, I am delighted and congratulate Dr. List on his award.
Satoshi Maeda
Director, ICReDD
I am pleasantly surprised and very happy to hear the news that Dr. List has just been awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Dr. List was my supervisor in the doctoral course, and he has been supporting my research for about seven years. I am currently working as a Co-Principal Investigator in the List Group, also as a Specially Appointed Assistant Professor at Hokkaido University.
I would like to express my respect for his tremendous contribution to the field of organocatalysis and congratulate him again on this award.
Nobuya Tsuji
Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, ICReDD
(in the same research team as Dr. Benjamin List)