News Release

Open access content from Rockefeller University Press now available on ResearchGate

OA content from Journal of Cell Biology, Journal of Experimental Medicine, and Journal of General Physiology accessible on the professional network for researchers.

Business Announcement

Rockefeller University Press

Open access content from Rockefeller University Press now available on ResearchGate

image: Open access content from Rockefeller University Press now available on ResearchGate view more 

Credit: Rockefeller University Press/ResearchGate

New York and Berlin, November 23, 2021 – ResearchGate and Rockefeller University Press (RUP) today announced the completion of the first phase of a content syndication pilot partnership. ResearchGate users can now find full-text Immediate OA articles and a subset of five years of archival content published in the Journal of Cell Biology (JCB), Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM), and Journal of General Physiology (JGP) between May 2016 and April 2021 on the network — approximately 2,800 articles in total.

The syndication of RUP content on ResearchGate makes it easier for researchers to discover and access JCB, JEM, and JGP articles that are relevant to their work. JCB, JEM, and JGP authors with ResearchGate profiles will see their titles added to publication pages automatically and have insight into usage statistics. ResearchGate members can access publication full-texts on the platform and engage and interact with authors as well as other readers from these journals.

“We’re very pleased with the progress of our collaboration with Rockefeller University Press and credit its success to date to a shared vision of supporting researchers,” says Sven Fund, General Manager, Publisher Solutions at ResearchGate.

As part of the content syndication partnership, RUP provides full XML to ResearchGate to quickly and fully index content, leveraging usage of JATS tagging. ResearchGate in turn provides RUP insights on how JCB, JEM, and JGP articles are used within its network, providing a more holistic view of the overall usage and reach of RUP journals.

“We are thrilled to initiate the first phase of the content syndication partnership with ResearchGate, with the goal to expand the reach and the impact of our authors’ work,” says Susan King, Executive Director of Rockefeller University Press.



Rockefeller University Press:

Rory Williams

Director of Communications and Marketing

+ 1 212 327 8603



Dan Noyes

Head of Communications & PR

+49 30 200 051136


About ResearchGate

ResearchGate is the professional network for researchers. Over 20 million researchers use to share and discover research, build their networks, and advance their careers. Based in Berlin, ResearchGate was founded in 2008. Its mission is to connect the world of science and make research open to all. ResearchGate helps publishers to drive the transition to an author-centric, open science future by innovating and working with other actors in the ecosystem to improve the researcher experience. For more information, visit


About Rockefeller University Press
Rockefeller University Press (RUP) is committed to quality and integrity in scientific publishing. We use the latest technologies and carry out rigorous peer review, applying the highest standards of novelty, mechanistic insight, data integrity, and general interest to fulfill our mission of publishing excellent science. RUP publishes Journal of Cell Biology (JCB), Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM), and Journal of General Physiology (JGP) and co-publishes Life Science Alliance (LSA). RUP’s nonprofit journals were established by the research community, and editorial decisions and policies continue to be driven by scientists who actively contribute to their fields, appreciate the value of peer review, and desire a better publication experience for all.

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