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Credit: World Scientific
Fine Sediment in Open Water: From Fundamentals to Modeling is mainly written for professional engineers working in estuaries and coastal systems, using more or less advanced numerical models. It provides the basis for a fundamental understanding of the physical, biological and chemical processes governing the transport and fate of fine sediment in open water, and explains how this understanding can steer engineering studies with numerical models. The book is unique in its treatment of processes at a variety of spatial and temporal scales, from micro-scale (i.e. colloid scale) to system-wide scales, and from intra-tidal time scales to decades. It discusses the interaction of various disciplines, amongst which those of hydrodynamics and soft soil mechanics, relevant for fine sediment. The book is also unique in addressing the road from scientific, to engineering and managerial questions via system understanding, the setup of a conceptual model to numerical modelling. It can be considered as a follow-up on the books by Winterwerp and Van Kesteren (2004) and Mehta (2013).
The book started as course notes for the authors’ post-graduate course on Fine Sediment, and still contains the required material and background. Since then, it has progressed and grown into a text book for beginning and experienced scientists and engineers. The book also contains a number of new thoughts that may deserve elaboration in future research.
Fine Sediment in Open Water: From Fundamentals to Modeling retails for US$198 / £175 (hardcover) and is also available in electronic formats. To order or know more about the book, visit
About the Authors
Prof. Han Winterwerp received his MSc in 1976 on Aeronautical Engineering and his PhD in 1999 at the faculty of Civil Engineering, both at Delft University of Technology. He joined Deltares in 1978 and the university in 1991. After his retirement in 2016 he continued his career as private consultant. His career focused mainly on research and consultancy on the behaviour of cohesive sediment. He has worked in numerous countries on a large variety of natural and engineered sedimentary systems.
Dr. Thijs van Kessel received a PhD degree on fluid mud formation and transport at Delft University of Technology in 1997, following an MSc degree in Chemical Engineering in 1993. Since 1997 he works at Deltares (the Netherlands) on a diversity of topics in the field of cohesive sediment transport phenomena in nature, on the edge between research and application. For his research projects, he has a long track record of collaboration with several universities, whereas for his applied projects the Dutch government is the most important client, followed by private parties.
Prof. Bas van Maren received his MSc and PhD degree in Physical Geography at Utrecht University (the Netherlands). His research revolves around the dynamics of muddy rivers, estuaries and coasts, contributing to both academic and consultancy projects around the world. His key expertise is modelling of fine sediment transport and morphology. He started working with fine sediments in 2004, initially as a postdoc at Delft University at Technology but within a year at Deltares (the Netherlands) as well. Since 2019 he is also visiting professor at East China Normal University (Shanghai, China).
Dr. Bram van Prooijen received his MSc and PhD at Delft University of Technology. After working as engineering consultant, he joined university again. Since the last decade, he is working on hydrodynamics and sediment transport processes in estuaries and coastal seas. Research projects often include field measurements and numerical modelling. He is teaching the course Sediment Dynamics at Delft University of Technology.
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