image: Zoë Hammatt view more
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This special issue includes a review article, three original articles, seven short communications, and an opinion article from leading scientists in the field that further the discussion on forensic science research and practice.
Guest Editor: Zoë Hammatt
In this special issue, experts in forensic science and other disciplines shed light on research integrity from a broad perspective on research culture to specific skills such as acknowledgement of cognitive bias, responsible authorship, and exemplary training and mentoring. Further exploration of these and other topics inherent to creating a thriving research culture will take place during the 7th World Conference on Research Integrity in May 2022 ( The conference theme, “Fostering Integrity in an Unequal World”, has taken on even more urgency considering inequities brought into sharp focus as the COVID-19 pandemic continues around the world. A video introduction to the issue by the Guest Editor, Zoë Hammatt, can be viewed at
Featured papers in this issue are:
Review Article
Predatory journals and meetings in forensic sciences: what every expert needs to know about this “parasitic” publishing model
Ricardo Jorge Dinis-Oliveira
This work aims to review the main characteristics of predatory journals and meetings and to analyze this topic in the context of forensic and legal medicine research.
Original Articles
The next steps in academic integrity — education, awareness, norms, duty and law
Yuehong (Helen) Zhang, Hanfeng Lin, Xinxin Zhang & Qing Ye
The global awareness of academic integrity is imbalanced, especially in densely populated areas in the world, all of which shows that research integrity will always coexist with scientific exploration.
Short Communications
Research integrity — it’s about more than misconduct
Frances Downey & Rebecca Veitch
Research integrity is about more than misconduct. It is about culture and environment, and it is about behaviours and expectations.
From research integrity to research relevance to advance forensic science
Claude Roux & Weyermann Céline
Integrity is as essential for forensic science research as it is for all disciplines. Nevertheless, integrity without relevance will not advance forensic science. Thoughtful consideration of the relevance of research is more likely to produce research that has greater value and improves the practice of forensic science.
The COVID-19 pandemic: some thoughts on integrity in research and communication
David Morens & Zoë Hammatt
In a pandemic, scientists often find themselves standing at the interface between science and the public, talking to politicians and policymakers, to the media, and directly to the public. It can be unsettling to assume this role. The modern communications universe is complex and fast moving. At times, there seems to be more interest in shocking and titillating than in providing useful information. Such an environment is alien to the world of evidence-based research.
Research integrity in forensic anthropology
Douglas H. Ubelaker
While integrity in forensic research remains a universal goal, it is difficult to precisely define. In this article the author reveals key elements of research integrity and offers suggested guidelines.
Other articles published in the issue include:
Spotlight on research integrity: international insights on strengthening research culture in the forensic sciences and beyond
Zoë Hammatt
Original Articles
Responsible research and innovation training programs: implementation and evaluation of the HEIRRI project
Ružica Tokalić, Ivan Buljan, Niels Mejlgaard, Mar Carrió, Alexander Lang, Gema Revuelta, Ana Marušić & HEIRRI Consortium
Elucidating authorship issues as an element of research quality at Thailand’s National Science and Technology Development Agency
Sudarat Luepongpattana, Aviga Soonmongkol, Supattra Laorrattanasak, Ansucha Prucksunand & Prasit Palittapongarnpim
Short Communications
Science Serving Justice: opportunities for enhancing integrity in forensic science in Africa
Antonel Olckers & Zoë Hammatt
Integrity and resilience in the face of multiple crises: commentary from Puerto Rico
Richard J. Noel Jr & Jose A. Torres-Ruiz
Mainstreaming responsible conduct of research education in Malaysia
De-Ming Chau, Lay Ching Chai, Manraj Singh Cheema & Abhi Veerakumarasivam
The value of the world conferences on research integrity: perspectives from Peru
Mariela Dejo-Vásquez, Roxana Lescano & Juan Guillermo Pérez-Carreño
Guest Editor Biography
Zoë Hammatt, a licensed attorney with a Master's degree in Law and Ethics in medicine, provides writing services and research integrity consultation as President of Z Consulting, LLC. She also serves as Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology in the School of Medicine at the University of Hawaii, HI, USA. She previously served as Director of the Division of Education and Integrity at the U.S. Office of Research Integrity, Legal and Regulatory Specialist for an NIH-funded translational research network, and Director of the Research Integrity Program and Research Integrity Officer at the University of Hawaii. Ms. Hammatt has handled numerous cases of alleged misconduct and questionable research practice and contributed to policy development and teaching in medical ethics and the responsible conduct of research in a global context. She is a founding member of the Asia Pacific Research Integrity Network, the Latin American Research Integrity Network, and the African Research Integrity Network, as well as serving as a member of the World Conferences on Research Integrity Governing Board.
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The Journal of the Academy of Forensic Science (AFS), Shanghai, P.R. China.
Forensic Sciences Research is a quarterly peer reviewed open access, English language journal publishing international research on forensic sciences, including forensic pathology, clinical forensic medicine, criminalistics and crime scene investigation. It aims to promote forensic sciences through quality research articles, reviews, case reports, and letters to editors. Forensic Sciences Research is indexed in by ESCI, PMC, Scopus, DOAJ, ProQuest, and HeinOnline.
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Citation metrics
2.9 (2020) CiteScore
Q1 (2020) CiteScore Best Quartile
1.345 (2020) SNIP
0.729 (2020) SJR
21 days avg. from submission to first decision
52 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
53 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
31% acceptance rate
Print ISSN: 2096-1790
Online ISSN: 2471-1411
Forensic Sciences Research