News Release

Researchers cull practical guidance, lessons from published research on setting up COVID-19 vaccine sites

Best practices for COVID-19 mass vaccination clinics

Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Academy of Family Physicians

Visual Abstract

image: Shakory S, et al. Best practices for COVID-19 mass vaccination clincis. AnnFamMed. 2022. view more 

Credit: Annals of Family Medicine

In this special report, researchers synthesized peer-reviewed studies and guidelines on mass  vaccination clinics to provide practical guidance for primary care clinicians as they plan,  implement and expand efforts to vaccinate communities against COVID-19. The authors identified and synthesized the findings of 46 reports, manuals and peer-reviewed papers that addressed the planning of mass vaccination clinics prior to, and in the context of, the COVID-19 pandemic. Key considerations include management, logistics, infection control, human resources, adverse events following immunization, documentation, supplies and waste, vaccine storage and handling, and communications. This report also provides suggestions for primary care clinicians to better address challenges around vaccine supply and vaccine hesitancy.

The authors note the documented success of primary care clinicians in delivering COVID-19 vaccines within vulnerable and hard-to-reach communities.  Many studies show improved vaccine uptake and confidence when family physicians and nurses strongly recommend vaccination, share personal anecdotes, and speak confidently about its safety and benefits. The authors conclude, “As (COVID-19) vaccine rollout occurs in various countries, research will be required to identify the main factors for success to inform future pandemic responses.”

Best Practices for COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Clinics
Andrew D. Pinto, MD, CCFP, FRCPC, MSc, et al
Upstream Lab, MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions, Li Ka Shing Knowledge
Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital

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