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Credit: EMF/EMYA
European Museum of the Year Award (EMYA) 2022 Annual Conference will take place at the Estonian National Museum in Tartu from 4-7 May 2022. Annual conference will focus on inventiveness and innovation of museums in Europe.
More than 200 participants come together every year from across Europe. They meet to discuss points of view, themes and issues that affect museums and galleries. This year, nearly 60 candidates from 27 countries are in competition for prestigious annual awards and the title of European Museum of the Year.
Pille Runnel, Research Director of the Estonian National Museum points out the importance of innovation in museum development: “The museums have a potential to be a driver for sustainable innovation, which starts with developing the museum organisations themselves, giving them ability to be trustworthy partners for social innovation. Engagement with the society both at the level of citizens and the economic sector depends on highly qualified museum workers, including academic and knowledge work they carry out at the museums."
The EMYA annual conferences are distinct from other museum conferences in bringing together museum professionals who share the profound experience of building a new museum or completely transforming an existing one. Conferences are opportunities for benchmarking and networking, for sharing the hard-earned skills that the process of creating a new museum generates, and for exploring together the challenges that renewal poses, and the personal and institutional strengths it demands.
Using inspiring stories, dramatic buildings and innovative solutions to make their collections shine and engage with diverse audiences, these museums and galleries represent a wide range of collections and approaches to interpretation.
Estonian National Museum hosts EMYA 2022 as the Kenneth Hudson Prize winner from 2018. It’s an award that is given to most unusual and daring achievement that challenges common perceptions of the role of museums in society. ENM is known for its dialogical and participatory approach to the history of everyday life.
Registration is open until 24 April, full details can be found on the conference website. Please use kindly our photo gallery about Estonian National Museum.