image: WSO Tasting Awards for Product and Extract categories; 3 awards are available view more
Credit: World Stevia Organization
The World Stevia organization will host its 10th World Convention on Stevia “Stevia Tasteful 2022: The Subtle Balance” on June 2-3 online and in Lisbon, Portugal, at the Radisson Blu Hotel.
Led by Prof. Gerd Birkenmeier, University of Leipzig, Germany, the conference will bring together worldwide professional researchers and industrials to discuss, share and critique the latest advances in Stevia application. The conference looks to critically examine emerging trends and contemporary best practices of the natural sweetener stevia. It will discuss not only the health effects of stevia, but also the impact of formulation on Stevia taste and after-taste, present new innovations to reduce Stevia after taste in products, and show the latest marketing tools used to present Stevia and persuade consumers to use it.
Stevia Tasteful 2022 Topics & Speakers:
Gerd Birkenmeier, President of the World Stevia Organization, University of Leipzig, Germany, will introduce the meeting with a strategic talk “Stevia Tasteful 2022: Today and Tomorrow”.
- Stevia & Health Effects 2022 – Recent Advances & Perspectives
This session will be dedicated to expose the impact of Stevia on health, especially on microbiota, with the following talks:
Sidd Purkayastha, Vice President, Head of Global Scientific & Regulatory Affairs at PureCircle/Ingregion Inc., USA – Metabolism and Effect of Steviol Glycosides and Steviol on Human Gut Microbiome
Karley Mahalak, United States Department of Agriculture, Eastern Regional Research Center, USA – Impact of Steviol Glycosides and Erythritol on the Human and Cebus apella Gut Microbiome
Other health effects will be demonstrated:
John T. McLaughlin, University of Manchester, United Kingdom – Effects of the Daily Consumption of Stevia on Glucose Homeostasis, Body Weight, and Energy Intake of Healthy Adults
Armine Isoyan, Orbeli Institute of Physiology NAS RA, Armenia – Stevia rebaudiana Has the Potential to Improve Functional Recovery of Injured Peripheral Nerved in Diabetic Rats
Vasil Pirgozliev, Harper Adams University, UK – Feeding Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) to Poultry: Effect on Dietary Energy and Nutrient Availability, Production and Health
- Stevia 2022 – Characterization & Optimization
Gertrud Morlock, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany – NanoGIT+active and Super-Hyphenations - Detecting the Essentials of Food
Maria Margarida Ribeiro, Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Portugal – What can Molecular and Biochemical Markers Tell Us About Stevia rebaudiana Genotypes' Collection?
Yuming Sun, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China – Improve Steviol Glycosides Productivity by Optimizing Nitrogen Fertilization Strategy
Marta Libik-Konieczny, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland – Steviol Glycosides Profile in Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni Hairy Roots Cultured under Oxidative Stress-Inducing Conditions
Xiaoyang Xu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China – The Chromosome-Level Stevia Genome Provides Insights into Steviol Glycoside Biosynthesis
- Stevia in Food Industry – Innovations & Technology
Lucy Dahlgren, Founder of the company Bayn Europe, Stockholm – The Importance of Developing a Commercially Viable Solution - An Innovative Business Model to Accelerate Stevia Market Entry and Business Revenue
Maria Rosa Zorzenon, State University of Maringá, Brazil – Spray Drying Encapsulation of Stevia Extract with Maltodextrin and Evaluation of the Properties of Produced Powders
Muhammad Farhan Jahangir Chughtai, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering & Information Technology, Pakistan – An Insight on the Future Therapeutic Application of Stevia Rebaudiana as Emerging Sweetener: A Way Forward for Sweetener Industry
Sungeun Cho, Auburn University, USA – Consumer Acceptability and Sensory Characterization of Steviol Glycosides (Rebaudioside A, D, and M)
Xiao Hua, Jiangnan University, China – Recovery of Steviol Glycosides from Industrial Stevia By-Product, Preparation and Practical Application of Stevia in Milk Tea
Rajnibhas Sukeaw Samakradhamrongthai, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand – Stevia in Food Product Development: Formulation and Evaluation
Christos Stamatis, CEO of Stevia Hellas Cooperative, Greece – Stevia from Field to the Table - Case of Greece
- Stevia Breeding & Cultivation – 2022
Buhara Yücesan, Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey – Stevia Breeding & Cultivation in 2022
Gabriele Gusmini, Founder of the Plant Pathways Company, Inc., USA – Breeding and Agricultural Supply Chain Expertise for a Fresh Look at Stevia Leaf Production and Processing
Todd Wehner, North Carolina State University, USA – Optimum Experiment Size for Stevia Trials
Probir Kumar Pal, CSIR - Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, India – Recent Agronomic Development on Stevia towards attaining Higher Productivity
Take a better look at the program and meet the speakers.
You can also share your most recent research related to the above sessions through a short oral/ poster presentation. Submit your abstract.
Tasting Awards – Stevia Products & Extracts 2022
Wait there is more! At the end of the conference, the attendees will be invited to taste and judge some Stevia Finished Products and Stevia Extracts in order to discern the Stevia Tasteful Awards 2022.
Two categories will be awarded:
- Stevia Tasteful Award - Finished Product Category
- Stevia Tasteful Award - Extract Category
To participate, follow this link.
The World Stevia Organization wishes to make some comments about stevia and its strategic role in our food and lifestyle. It envisions a world where Stevia is a "healthier" alternative that can replace free sugar and artificial sweeteners in our drinks and food.
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