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Join us in the 24th ISANH annual meeting “Paris Redox 2022”, which will be held in a hybrid format on June 22-24 in Paris at 2 bis rue Mercoeur 75011 and live streamed online.
Academic and professional researchers working in the redox science and medicine will present their newest discoveries and studies on redox in aging, immunity, ocular disorders, and fertility. The conference will also dig into the mechanisms of redox control like the Nrf2 signaling pathway and the implication of redox in mitochondria-microbiota Inter-talk.
The latest innovation in redox medicine will be presented with a highlight on the future of redox medicine.
The International Society of Microbiota will endorse a session dedicated to Mitochondria-Microbiota Inter-talk in redox. Learn more about the program and speakers:
Meet Paris Redox 2022 Speakers
Prof. Helmut Sies, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf in Germany, will introduce Paris Redox 2022 with a talk on "Redox Medicine: Now and Tomorrow. The Role of Physiological Signaling".
Speakers sharing recent advances and perspectives in redox science:
Ivan Gout, University College London, UK - Antioxidant Function of a Key Metabolic Integrator Coenzyme A in Cellular Response to Oxidative or Metabolic Stress
Miriam Margherita Cortese-Krott, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany - The Role of Red Blood Cells in Regulation of Vascular Tone and Blood Pressure
Marcelo Alves da Silva Mori, University of Campinas, Brazil - Tuning Oxidative Metabolism and Stress Responses through Small RNA Biogenesis
A session dedicated to Mitochondria-Microbiota Inter-talk & Redox:
Laurent Chatre, Université de Caen-Normandie, France - Reactive Species Interactome-Mitochondria-Microbiota triangle: a brand-new perspective on Redox Signaling & Medicine
Mariana Xavier Byndloss, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA - High-Fat Diet, Mitochondria & Microbiota in Disease
Redox & Immuno-Ageing Session:
Carole Nicco, Institut Cochin - INSERM U1016, Université de Paris, France - ROS and Adaptive Immunity
Luis Sobrevia, Pontifician Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile - Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Fetal Endothelial Dysfunction
Larissa Van Ejik, University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands - The Relation Between Oxidative Stress and COVID-19 Vaccination Response
Stephan Tang, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany - The Impact of Dynamins on Mitochondrial Integrity and Function in Ferroptosis
Session dedicated to Nrf2 Signaling Pathway:
Lie Gao, University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA - Skeletal Muscle Nrf2 and Its Role in Exercise-induced Cardiovascular Protection: A Mechanism of Extracellular Vesicles.
Anna Grochot-Przęczek, Jagiellonian University, Poland - Novel Atypical Functions of Nrf2 and Keap1 in Endothelial Cells.
Gerasimos Sykiotis, University of Lausanne, Switzerland - Impact of Keap1/Nrf2 Signaling on Thyroid Physiology and Disease.
At the end of the conference, a session dedicated to Innovations in Redox Medicine will gather 6 speakers:
Kenneth Olson, Indiana University, USA - Effect of ‘Antioxidant’ Nutraceuticals on Cellular Sulfur Metabolism and Signaling: An alternative Therapeutic Approach
Nicholas Morton, University of Edinburgh, UK - Sulfide Donor Treatment in Diabetic Animals
Peter Nagy, National Institute of Oncology, Hungary - Reprogrammed Transsulfuration Promotes Basal Like Breast Tumor Progression via Realigning Cellular Cysteine-persulfidation
Charareh Pourzand, University of Bath, UK - Targeting Redox-Active Iron in Psoriatic Skin, a Novel Approach for Topical Therapy of Plaque Psoriasis
Paul Winyard, University of Exeter Medical School, United Kingdom - Influence of Beetroot Juice on S-Nitrosothiols, and Other Products of Nitrate Metabolism
Arno Bourgonje, University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands - Personalized Redox Medicine in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Ocular disorders, Fertility & redox medicine: New Hot topics of Paris 2022
Julie Lim, University of Auckland, New Zealand will chair a session dedicated to ocular disorders - Therapeutic Insights into Delaying the Onset of Cataract
Cristian O'Flaherty, McGill University, Canada will chair a session on fertility and redox medicine - Personalized Antioxidant Therapies, a Novel Approach for Male Infertility
The following speakers will join them:
Carla Tatone, University of L’Aquila, Italy - Mitochondrial Sirtuins in Reproduction
Francisco Javier Romero, Requena General Hospital, Spain - Oxidative Stress: Implication on the Cornea and Retina
Elora Vanoni, Institut La Vision, France - Oxidative Stress and Energetic Failure: Common Features in 3 Different Mouse Models of Retinal Pigment Epithelium Defects
Albert Augustin, Klinikum Karlsruhe, Germany - Oxidative Processes in Diabetic Retinopathy
Submit your abstract
You can also take part in the congress and share your latest research in redox biology with the attendees by submitting your abstract.
Workshop dedicated to Oxidative Stress
One day prior to the meeting, on June 22, a workshop will be presented by Dr. Ginette Deby-Dupont, Centre for Oxygen, Research & Development (CORD) Liège University, Belgium, on “How to Evaluate Oxidative Stress & Antioxidants Activities?”. The workshop will be dedicated to the presentation of all the methods of evaluating antioxidants in food, cosmetics, and food supplements.
ISANH is a non-profit-making international organization. It aims to advance the practical applications of antioxidants, in all related fields, with particular reference to health and nutrition. It bridges antioxidants-related users and manufactures of antioxidants measurement instruments and encourages communication and interaction among researchers. It offers a forum for discussions on the late-breaking discoveries in all fields of antioxidants through international publications and internet diffusion. The actual president of ISANH and Paris Redox 2022 is Harry van Goor, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands