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Credit: project TRANSPATH
The global biodiversity and climate crises cannot be solved in isolation or by merely ramping up what is already being done. Urgent and ambitious transformative changes are needed in our economies and societies. The new TRANSPATH project: TRANSformative PATHways for synergising just biodiversity and climate actions will identify leverage points and interventions for triggering transformative changes at consumer, producer and organisational levels through inclusive deliberation.
This new project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme, was launched on 1 November 2022. A research team, comprising a mix of leading academics, science-policy experts, and early-career professionals in the global North and South, joins forces to engage with those who affect and are affected by trade regimes and associated ‘greening’ mechanisms. The project brings together a consortium representing a diversity of social-cultural origins across Eastern and Western Europe, Africa and Latin America. Nine countries and twelve nationalities are represented.
After an online Kick-off in November, the TRANSPATH’s consortium members gathered in Wageningen, the Netherlands, for the project’s in-person kick-off meeting. The meeting not only allowed to introduce the scope and structure of the project, its overall management concepts and the detailed work plans of the individual work packages, but also paved the way for a common understanding of the interconnections between the work packages by all participating Research Infrastructures. Throughout the event, participants continuously exchanged valuable ideas and conclusions, which will be further implemented over the course of the TRANSPATH duration.
For more information on the project, please follow TRANSPATH on Twitter!
This project receives funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement No 101081984.