News Release

In the very old, higher BMI is associated with more health complaints, and in overweight men, with mental health complaints too

Peer-Reviewed Publication


The impact of BMI on psychological health in oldest old individuals–Are there differences between women and men?

image: In the very old, higher BMI is associated with more health complaints, and in overweight men, with mental health complaints too. view more 

Credit: micheile henderson, Unsplash, CC0 (

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Article Title: The impact of BMI on psychological health in oldest old individuals–Are there differences between women and men?

Author Countries: Germany

Funding: This study was funded by the @ktivPLUS study (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, grant number 01GY2108) awarded to M. Löbner. Publication was funded by the Open Access Publishing Fund of Leipzig University, which is supported by the German Research Foundation within the program "Open Access Publication Funding". The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

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