News Release

Siblings can "pave the way" when they have a similar "Big Five" personality - with introverted siblings being more likely to leave home once their similarly introverted brother or sister has done so

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Do birds of a feather leave the nest together? The role of sibling personality similarity in the transition to adulthood

image: Siblings can "pave the way" when they have similar "Big Five" personalities - with introverted siblings being more likely to leave home once their similarly introverted brother or sister has done so. view more 

Credit: Yu-Chin Her, CC-BY 4.0 (

Siblings can "pave the way" when they have a similar "Big Five" personality - with introverted siblings being more likely to leave home once their similarly introverted brother or sister has done so


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Article Title: Do birds of a feather leave the nest together? The role of sibling personality similarity in the transition to adulthood

Author Countries: Belgium.

Funding: This research has been made possible through the grant Nr. G017519N from the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) to Dimitri Mortelmans.

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