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Credit: Frontiers
Frontiers journals have adopted the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT) to improve the way authors' contributions to research are communicated and acknowledged. The new system replaces the conventional free-text authorship descriptions with a standardized and transparent system that ensures consistency and accuracy in recognizing individual contributions.
CRediT categorizes individual author contributions into well-defined roles and provides a clear, concise framework to describe the diverse contributions made by researchers during the research process.
By adopting CRediT, Frontiers aims to acknowledge the diverse contributions of researchers, irrespective of whether they are primary or supporting contributors. Authors will can now select from a predefined set of CRediT roles, which encompass various aspects of research involvement, such as:
Data Curation
Formal Analysis
Funding Acquisition
Project Administration
Writing - Original Draft
Writing - Review & Editing
Providing readers, reviewers, and fellow researchers with a thorough understanding of each author's contributions is crucial for fostering transparency and upholding the integrity of research publications. The implementation of standardized CRediT roles serves as a valuable tool in mitigating disputes concerning authorship and mitigating potential conflicts, guaranteeing equitable and inclusive acknowledgment of all contributors. Furthermore, CRediT empowers institutions and funding agencies to assess researchers' contributions more effectively, enabling more precise evaluations of individual achievements.
Commenting on CRediT implementation, Frontiers chief executive editor Dr Frederick Fenter says, “We are committed to continuous improvement and fostering a culture of openness within the scholarly community. By integrating CRediT, we aim to further enhance the quality and reliability of published research, while also recognizing and celebrating the collective efforts of researchers worldwide.”
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