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Credit: CHEST, July 2023
Glenview, Illinois – Published monthly, the journal CHEST® features peer-reviewed, cutting-edge original research in chest medicine: Pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine and related disciplines. Journal topics include asthma, chest infections, COPD, critical care, diffuse lung disease, education and clinical practice, pulmonary vascular disease, sleep, thoracic oncology and the humanities.
The July issue of the CHEST journal contains 49 articles, including clinically relevant research, reviews, case series, commentary and more. Each month, the journal also offers complementary web and multimedia resources, including visual abstracts, to expand the reach of its most interesting, timely and relevant research.
“With July serving as Disability Pride Month, I recommend reading ‘Disability Rights and Life-Sustaining Treatment: Building Bridges Between Clinicians and Advocates,’” says Editor in Chief of the journal CHEST, Peter Mazzone, MD, MPH, FCCP. “Included in our Humanities section, the article discusses the rights of individuals with disabilities when planning for Crisis Standards of Care.”
Also included in the current issue of the journal CHEST:
- Chest Infections
Original research, “Patient-Reported Symptom and Health-Related Quality-of-Life Validation and Responsiveness During the First 6 Months of Treatment for Mycobacterium avium Complex Pulmonary Disease,” finds the Quality of Life-Bronchiectasis questionnaire exhibited good psychometric properties in patients with Mycobacterium avium complex.
- Critical Care
A multicenter prospective cohort study, “HealthExpectations and Quality of Life After Acute Respiratory Failure,” suggests implementing a mechanism underpinning successful ICU recovery programs that incorporate normalization and expectation management. View the visual abstract for this research.
- Sleep
Original research, “Single-Night Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea Contributes to Inconsistent Cardiovascular Outcome Findings,” shows that multinight monitoring of OSA allows for better estimates of hypertension risk and potentially other adverse health outcomes associated with OSA. View the visual abstract for this research. - Thoracic Oncology
“Outcomes From More Than 1 Million People Screened for Lung Cancer With Low-Dose CT Imaging” finds that adherence to lung cancer screening was poor among underserved communities and likely contributes to the lower-than-expected cancer detection rate. View the visual abstract for this research.
To view the entire July issue of the CHEST journal, visit, and follow @journal_CHEST on Twitter for the latest journal news.
About the American College of Chest Physicians
The American College of Chest Physicians® (CHEST) is the global leader in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of chest diseases. Its mission is to champion advanced clinical practice, education, communication and research in chest medicine. It serves as an essential connection to clinical knowledge and resources for its 19,000+ members from around the world who provide patient care in pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine. For information about the American College of Chest Physicians, and its flagship journal CHEST®, visit
the journal CHEST