Device performance and stability (IMAGE)
a. J-V curves of champion p-i-n PSCs in the lab scale. The active area was around 0.073 cm2. The detailed PV parameters from reverse scan and SPO curves were inset in the figure. b. incident photon-to-electron conversion efficiency (IPCE) plots of the PSP solar cells. The solid line with red colour is integrated JSC. c. EQE curves measured from the reference and PSP solar cells in the LED mode. The inside photo is the PSCs working in LED mode. d. J-V curves of upscaled PSCs with and without PSP. The inside photo is the upscaled PSCs with 1 cm2 active area. e. Normalized PCE evolution curves of the unencapsulated reference and PSP devices under continuous tracking at maximum power point (MPP) followed ISOS L-1I protocol. f. Damp-heat reliability test results of the encapsulated devices tested at 85 °C and 85% relative humidity (RH) followed ISOS D-3 protocol.
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