Presence of spatially vertical FA-Cs phase segregation (IMAGE)
a. Illustration graph of inhomogeneous phase distribution caused by out-of-plane FA-Cs segregation. b. Electrostatic potential (ESP) image and molecular structure of PSP. c. Cationsdistribution obtained from Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy (ToF-SIMS). d. Atomic percentage profile of the reference (solid line) and the PSP (dash line) extracted from depth-dependent XPS measurements. e-f. High-angle annular dark field (HAADF) transmission electron microscopy images for the reference sample (e) and the PSP treated sample (f) (scale bars refer to 200 nm). g-h. Enlarged GIXRD spectra collected from the bottom side of the reference (g) and PSP (h) treated perovskite films.
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