Accelerated cartilage repair by transplantation of 3D-IHI nanoscaffold. (IMAGE)
a) A schematic diagram illustrating the long-term (3 months) cartilage regeneration process. b) The in vivo cartilage regeneration was characterized through H&E, Safranin O staining, Col-II immunochemistry staining, as well as macroscopic views. Zoom out scale bar: 2 mm, zoom in scale bar: 200 μm. c-h) Quantifications of cartilage thickness (by H&E staining) (c), cellular components (by Safranin O staining) (d), ECM components (by Col II immunostaining) (e). Results of International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) macroscopic (f) and histologic scores (g) indicated significantly improved defect repair qualities in the TGFβ-BMSC-IHI nanoscaffold group. The reduced Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) scores revealed the TGFβ-BMSC-IHI nanoscaffold could prevent the deterioration of osteoarthritis (h).
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