News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

CancerSEEK: Generalized Screening for Multiple Cancer Types

image: CancerSEEK is a unique noninvasive, multi-analyte blood test that detects and localizes eight common cancer types. This material relates to a paper that appeared in the Jan. 19, 2018, issue of Science, published by AAAS. The paper, by J.D. Cohen at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Md., and colleagues was titled, "Detection and localization of surgically resectable cancers with a multi-analyte blood test." view more 

Credit: Illustration by Elizabeth Cook and Kaitlin Lindsay

研究人员研发了一种无创性的血液检测法,它可根据对DNA和蛋白的综合分析更早地发现8种常见类型的癌症。他们的方法被称作CancerSEEK,在1000多名患者中,CancerSEEK发现癌症的敏感性范围在69-98%间(取决于癌症类型)。在癌症转移前尽早做出诊断是未来降低癌症死亡率的的关键之一。Joshua Cohen和同事在此研发出了一种非创伤性的癌症血液检测,它能对16个癌症基因突变及10种循环中的蛋白标记浓度进行评估。他们对1005名已被诊断罹患8种常见类型癌症的I-III期患者以及850名健康对照者进行了研究;他们发现,CancerSEEK检测到癌症的敏感性为69-98%,结果取决于癌症类型。该测试的特异性为99%,这意味着健康人出现假阳性结果的可能性非常低。在某些情况下,该检验还能提供癌症组织来源的信息,在过去要做到这一点颇为困难。应该指出的是,Cohen和同事所研究的病人已经基于疾病症状而被确诊罹患转移前癌症。CancerSEEK的终极目标是更早发现癌症,即在疾病出现症状之前发现癌症。研究人员估计,这种可检测8种癌症的单一血液检测的成本可能低于500美元,这与目前筛检单一类型癌症的检测(如筛检结肠癌的结肠镜检查)费用相当或更低。


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