Trending News Releases
Melting ice, more rain drive Southern Ocean cooling
Stanford University
Feeling the future: New wearable device mimics the complexity of human touch
Northwestern University
Pregnant women advised to avoid mentholated e-cigarettes
University of California - Riverside
Drone experiment reveals how Greenland ice sheet is changing
University of Colorado at Boulder
Mapping the Earth’s crops
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
Genetic defense breakthrough: plants repurpose stomatal genes to fend off herbivores
Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Breast-conserving therapy linked to breast shrinkage, reports Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Wolters Kluwer Health
Terahertz imaging: a breakthrough in non-invasive cochlear visualization
Waseda University
A genetic tree as a movie: Moving beyond the still portrait of ancestry
University of Michigan
Discovery of novel small compounds that delay flowering in plants
Nara Institute of Science and Technology